I really got inspired today by checking out all of the other terrific fashion blogs out there. I thought, "Why don't I do that?" I'm not sure what "that" is yet, but we'll see what form it takes. I guess my objective would be: To share things that excite me with others and connect in the arenas of fashion, art, design, music, etc. I'll have a diary of what I'm finding exciting clothing wise and highlight some of the things I'm selling or going to be selling on Ebay.
Here's a fabulous bedazzled denim dress I found thrift shopping the other day. It is incredibly Balmain crossed with Chanel! Note the trompe l'oeil bedazzled belt. It is so tacky and cute at the same time! I would wear it with some black fishnet or flowered tights and shooties. Unfortunately the dress is super duper small and won't fit me. I plan on listing it today on my Ebay store: Dorothy Francis Vintage Clothing, so someone else can benefit.